Title : Hat Finder

Genre:  Adventure 

Target: Audience: 5and up 


The game has one level.  The player has to get all 5 hats that are in the map. The idea was trying to do roll a ball version in 2d with my own creation. 

Game Summary 

This game is a 2d adventure game because you have to go al round the map finding the hats. Even though they are not very difficult to find.

Game Conflict

There really is no game conflict except you need to get the hats which can involve you jumping to reach them or just walking to it.there is a total of 5 hats and you need to get them. Once you get them you can press the reset button to start over. 

Story and Setting:

 The game takes place in one areas. The area is sunny , blue skies with buildings and bars. The bar is like from the old western movies. The building are made out of bricks  and one wall has a happy face due to it been a nice area

Game Mechanics 

The mechanic of the game is if you want to win then you are going to have just get all the hats. some times you are going to have to jump to get to the hats

Character Abilities/Controls: 

This character can only do two things. One is to move forward and backward. the other thing that the character can do is jump. the character is going to have to jump to reach some of the hats. In the keyboard, the following keys would be used.

Keys In The KeyBoard:

A= walking backward

D= walking forward

Spacebar= jump


Files 5.9 MB
Dec 13, 2022

Get Game Design 201: Introduction to Digital Games

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